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CityWat - Systems water management models for integrated water infrastructure planning and operation

Status: Completed


Team: Barney Dobson, Ana Mijic,  Samer Muhandes


Partners: Thames Water


Objectives: Support the water industry to transition to integrated water management and planning. To do this, we are developing a simple and flexible open-source software, the CityWatSemiDistributed (CWSD), that can model the integrated urban water cycle at a wide range of scales to suit the user’s need. We are using this to help Thames Water examine their planning options from a more integrated perspective. The software can also trade-off accuracy with speed, which will provide Thames Water the ability to perform rapid assessment of a wide range of projects. This combination of speed, flexibility and transparency will, we hope, change the way optioneering is carried out.


Activities:  Our key goal for the coming months is to complete the above-mentioned software. We are working with Thames Water to ensure that the software can accommodate the different purposes that would be most useful to them.

  The main way we are going about this is by breaking things down to a “sub-project” scale. A sub-project focuses on a key element of the urban water cycle (e.g. river quality). It uses CWSD at its core, but improves upon the existing representation of processes. We are working with Thames Water to build these sub-projects as well. See below the sub-projects we are currently working on:


  • Sewer modelling for Ilford’s drainage system.

  • River quality modelling in the Upper Thames using CEH initiative data.

  • Appliance-based demand generation.




  • A software that contains generalisable urban water cycle components, with a focus on transparency, usability and flexibility (CWSD).

  • A case study for London that uses CWSD to simulate London’s urban water cycle.

  • A dataset that describes the London case study

  • Case studies for the various sub-projects.

  • Publications currently planned for: CityWat lumped approach (under revision), CWSD, each of the above-mentioned sub-projects, high level position paper

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